How to Host a Dungeon Wiki

When you roll a 12 on the breeder groups table, or if you just feel like it, you can select (or roll randomly) one of these.

Unless otherwise stated, delvers are of chaotic alignment.

Roll Delving Group
1 Creeper: Whenever a creeper ⬤ is killed in an encounter, it explodes: carve out a jagged hole, less than a bead in size, at the location of the encounter. (Duncan Timiney)
2 Changelings: Start with 2⬤ and 0⭘. Whenever the Changelings win an Encounter check, both they and the Monster Group they just encountered gain 1⬤. (Rolfe Bergstrom)
3 Kender: Whenever Kender encounter another Monster Group, they first automatically steal 1⭘ from that group. Then they roll for the encounter as normal, but with -1 on the Kender's roll. (Rolfe Bergstrom, based on the Kender from Dragonlance)
4 Goblin Herders: At the end of their Season, if they are supported, add a Feral Squig ⬤ anywhere in their Zone of Control. The Feral Squig ⬤ is a wandering monster that ignores (and is ignored by) Goblins. (Rolfe Bergstrom, based on the Night Goblins from Warhammer Fantasy and the Orks from Warhammer 40k)